About LifeAccess

LifeAccess is an electronic assistive technology and occupational therapy consultancy service.

We help people with disability reach their goals for independence and participation through the use of electronic assistive technology.

Postal Address: PO Box 689 Spit Junction NSW 2088

NDIS Registration: 4050003455


We welcome feedback and are committed to responding promptly. If you have any feedback, concerns or compliments please email info@lifeaccess.com.au.


LifeAccess respects the privacy of all clients and customers. Further information is available in our Privacy and Information Management Policy Information for Service Users or via email info@lifeaccess.com.au

David Simpson

David has extensive experience working with people with complex neurological conditions, such as spinal cord injury, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis and muscular dystrophy. David can help you become more independent, both through the classic tools of occupational therapy and through implementation of electronic assistive technology.

Gemma McDonald

Gemma has specialised in electronic assistive technology for more than 15 years. She works with people who experience physical, cognitive, psycho-social and sensory difficulties. 

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